Monday, April 10, 2006

An Ode To Spring

Oh, to be in England
Now that April's there,
And whoever wakes in England
Sees, some morning, unaware,
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
In England—now!

And after April, when May follows,
And the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows!
Hark, where my blossomed pear-tree in the hedge
Leans to the field and scatters on the clover
Blossoms and dewdrops—at the bent spray's edge—
That's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over,
Lest you should think he never could recapture
The first fine careless rapture!
And though the fields look rough with hoary dew,
All will be gay when noontide wakes anew
The buttercups, the little children's dower
—Far brighter than this gaudy melon-flower!

[Home Thoughts From Abroad, Robert Browning]

Behold, Spring is here :-) This poem often springs to mind (if you don't mind the pun!) when Spring arrives. Largely because I always remember the wrong words and think it starts 'Oh to be in England, now that Spring is here' but it still fits the occasion. The occasion is in fact not me missing Spring days back in England (April showers is a very British concept, that thankfully doesn't seem to exist in Germany, wohoo!), rather I am feeling very 'springy' (in the seasonal sense of the word.) Yes, trees that have looked dead for the past few months are starting to show signs of life again, buds are growing on bushes and flowers are everywhere. Plus, in case nature's contribution were to prove insufficient, there has also been some human contribution to this lets-enjoy-spring feeling. In one week there has been football on the field (hugely enjoyable and justified post-football beer a treat) not once, but twice, 4 aside footie with six 7yr old obnoxious little German boys (we sure showed them) and then, to compensate for excessive activity, strawberries and ice cream, ice cream without strawberries and beer in a beer garden.

All that's missing is a bit of lawn tennis with strawberries and cream and some champers on ice for the spectators. Ah, now that would be the perfect Spring :-) Until that little fantasy of mine becomes reality, I will continue perfecting my McManamanesque footie skills and stuffing my face with ice cream. Nice job if you can get it :-)

[photo courtesy of Miss Rebecca James]


Anonymous said...

Spring has sprung!! As my mother would say.

Woo hooie!

I am enjoying this new game - Football!

Sorry, no words of wisdome, I am left unispired.

Anonymous said...

Thats meant to be uninspired.

Anonymous said...

Oh, to be in England.......

That would be the self-same England that's under 2 feet of water,with the obligatory hose-pipe bans already in force (I kid you not!); howling easterly winds bringing sleet and hail storms (I kid you not!)our house being sand-blasted (I kid you not!)and me still wearing the old thermal vests and duffel coat (I.....yes, yes, you've guessed the rest!) ??

I wouldn't waste too much emotional energy on longing for this particular English spring, Lucy!
Love Auntie Fred xx

Lu said...

No, no, you misunderstand me. I am not longing for the English Spring, rather I just have that poem stuck in my head because Spring has arrived. I am quite happy with an April without daily showers (or downpours as Liverpool seems to be getting), with no talk of hosepipe bans when parts of the country are flooding and with reasonably decent temperatures, as oppose to winter storms. Plus, I am getting to play multiculti footie and there's talk of spreading the rugby word...
And, in case that's not enough, Easter is coming which means vast amounts of chocolate :-)

Anonymous said...

As for your last comments - I don't like chocolate very much (I kid you not......oh God, here we go again!)

Also, the weather is bound to get even worse (worserer??) because the cricket season starts next week! Uncle Dave will de-camp to the shed for the season with radio and spare TV and the occasional meat pie!
Love Auntie Fred xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Are we going to start playing cricket now, Lucy?

If people thought Aussie Rules was confusing, lets try them with our cricket game!!!

Lu said...

Cricket?! Oh no! I only found that game enjoyable during the Ashes and probs cos the nation was so hyped up cos we were beating the Aussies for the first time in a million years.
Explaining it to everyone might have to be your job Bec - the rules just confuse me. But bagsy being the umpire when someone hits a 6 :)

Anonymous said...


Check out this lists all the words that contain blog... I do not see bloggery or blog worthy though.

But I did type in Bloggery into google and found that the words is spreading!!!

Also typed in iceus and up popped our blogsite. Woohoo, and the blurb sounds cool.

Unfortunatly when I typed in Bectrillion, only one page came up, mine, but the blurb went into details about reporting to blogspot about questionable content.

Hehehe-thought you'd be interested.

Anonymous said...

Well I found you easily enough, I just typed in bloggery lu into google and you and iceus popped up, the top two hits!

Nice one!