Christmas Comes This Time Each Year
Points to anyone who can name the festive tune. Well, hope everyone is full of festive cheer and that lots of fun was had yesterday. It's rather strange writing a blog from home. In fact, it's rather strange to be home. Left Fulda in a bit of a mad rush. Not really sure what has happened to the last few months, well apart from the fact that they have flown by faster than a flock of geese (had goose for lunch, got the bird on my mind...) It's all been totally mad but a whole lot of fun. Now I'm back home, trying to get my breath back. Not sure I'll manage to be honest judging by the last few days. Arrived back in York on Thursday night. Had one hour to unpack, say hello to family and cats and then Matt and Cat descended on us. Had a lovely big meal and lots of fun. Matt gave me a cracking present, 4 months in the making. A highly original version of Top Trumps based on all things English. Will enjoy educating my Fulda mates when I return! The next day it was in to town to meet my York mates for coffee and cake, then back home to have a meal with Auntie Julie, Uncle Rog and cousin Alex. They left and it was catch-up with Jules and James before heading to church for my one service of the year. As those of you who know me will know, I don't do church, or Christianity, or in fact religion in general but I tend to make an exception for the Crib Service on Christmas Eve. Imagine a village church, lit with candles, full of infants (ranging from a few months to 10yrs in age) and their parents trying to keep them under control. The vicar is more like a primary teacher than a vicar and the service is highly entertaining and always involves a good sing-song and lots of audience participation, although sadly I am now too old to join in myself... After church it was back home for more yummy food, crackers and family fun and then the traditional dictation of 'Lucy and Tom's Christmas' and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' by Mum before bed.
Christmas day involved lots of presents (thank you!), a visit to the neighbours' house for scrummy nibbles and lots of sparkling wine with Sandra, John and their 4 little girls:-) We returned home to find the oven hadn't worked so Christmas Dinner was delayed by a few hours. The Queen kept us entertained for 10mins of the intervening period (although her stress on religious and faith groups was a little too strong for my liking), we had a walk around the village and saw several families enjoying Christmas, complete with party hats. Christmas Dinner was worth the wait and we all went to bed feeling content. Today is Boxing Day. Me and Kate drove over to Dad's where we are now. Hellos and hugs, then more presents, food, a walk, Liverpool 2-0 Newcastle (half time score) and a nice log fire. Once again feeling content and my pulse is almost back to normal. Need a few days of relaxation now to prepare for New Years in Ed and then the return trip to Fulda on the 2nd. It's all go I tell you.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!