Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dance then, wherever you may be...

I have just started listening to Stephen Fry's podgram and I must say, my journey to work has never been so enjoyable. There have only been three so far but already I am eager for more. In his second podgram he discusses his allergy to dancing. It is a rant and rave that had me smiling on the tram, smiling over Lola's bridge, and smiling as I entered the office - no mean feat. Of the song that we all sang our hearts out to in school, "Lord of the Dance", he says: "If ever a song were guaranteed to create a generation of atheists and non-dancers it is that one." The lyrics, in case you are not familiar with this classic piece of Christian songwriting go:

Dance then, wherever you may be
For I am the Lord of the dance said he
And I'll lead you all wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the dance said he

I have an image in my head of the whole of Heslington Primary School sitting in assembly, singing Lord of the Dance. I can even see myself being swept up in the fun of it all. How it makes me smile!!!

I listened to the podgram a second time with Ragil - it was too good not to share - and, just a few hours later, headed out to Quasimodo jazz bar for a concert by the South American Pescadores de Ventanas. It was a great venue, a great band and a great gig and by the end of the night everyone was dancing.

I have had issues with dancing in the past and can fully empathise with Stephen when he talks about standing in a disco/dance hall and just wanting to get out. Sometimes I watch other people dance and feel so distance from them and from the whole atmosphere that I want nothing more than to disappear into the wallpaper. I have, however, come to realise that with me it is often a confidence issue too and I have acted on this reasoning to see dancing as a way to just let go and, for a few moments, to forget about everyone else. If I am in the right mood I find it can actually be quite liberating and if I am in the wrong mood, then I know I just shouldn't even try.

Post script:
Plans for the summer? In my head there is no longer a "summer holiday". My current employers are kind enough to offer me a whopping 20 days holiday a year, somewhat limiting my options. But I am looking forward to the flowers blooming, the birds singing, the lawn mowers rumbling, and sitting in the park every afternoon after work with a good book and my showerproof sun hat :) Berlin is supposed to be an amazing place to be during the summer months and that is enough for me at the moment. My life is such that it could suddenly take a big turn, so making plans seems somewhat nonsensical at the moment. A nice roundabout answer to a straightforward question. The simple answer reads: at the moment, no plans.


Anonymous said...

Now that's more like it! Where can you get these podgram thingymebobs? Do I need an Ipod?

I think I know how you feel regarding work and more work!

Iiiiiiiiii lloooooooove woooorrrk!

Geez I love work! (Thank you Butterfingers!)

I get the same allocated holidays as you. But I work a 35 hour week (where I work an extra 20mins a day so I can get one day a month off). But right now I have accumalated a lot of time, but my workload is so huge, I don't want to take the time off becuase I will not get my work done! I find that kind of a way.

Anonymous said...

accumalated...I mean accumulated! I think my fingers are just lazy!

Unknown said...
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Lu said...

You don't need an iPod. Just go onto his website and you can download it directly from there and listen to it on your computer. I move them onto my phone for extra mobility :)
I can actually clock up more holiday through overtime too but sitting in front of my computer for more than 6.5 hours a day is just too much...
Also the office is so blooming dark - either because there is no sun or because the sun is shining and people have put the blinds down to block it out - that I just want to get out of there!!! Then I come home and Ragil follows me around the flat turning the lights out. Am I the only person that doesn't like sitting in the dark?!!!!

ps - congrats on your burning Bec. Do you feel lighter?!

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed. It was very relieving and releasing. A colleague did chastise me for the environmental damage, and I sympathised with her. But I said, I counter it by not having a car etc etc. she was still disapproving. But, I think the therapeutic value of it was well worth it. Plus, we recycled the ash, made sure plastic was not included, and its a once off thing.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to add as many dots as I can to your world map. You will get one soon on the wesern edge of Australia! Great huh?!

Anonymous said...

'The Lord of the Dance' has to be the worst song in the history of the entire world. (Oh okay, that accolade probably goes to 'Oh Happy Day' by The Edwin Hawkins Singers.)
So back to the second worst song in the world.....
It was much improved by Ellen's lyrics that went along the lines of 'I am the Lord of the Damn Settee..........'
See? Much better!
She also re-christened Karma Chameleon by Boy George and used to happily sing about 'the Common Comedian...'!!
Loads of love to you both
Auntie Fred xx

Anonymous said...

Now you have a nice Western Australian dot!!!

Anonymous said...

The dot didn't work, sorry. But I was there when I looked at your blog...hmmm. That was rather disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunty Fred!
Hope you are well, it's been a while since we were here together.:)

Anonymous said...

What happened to your map?

Lu said...

They reset it :(
I think I must have had it for a year and it has automatically been reset. I look like billy no mates now...

Anonymous said...

Mine reset too! I think its time to get a new from somewhere else.