Thursday, March 09, 2006

This time it's personal

A new photo, a new layout, a new start? Well I am nearly 23, maybe it's time for me to start being me. To have a blog that I designed (rather than a standard template) and to have a photo that doesn't show me hiding behind the 'student beer thing'. My attitude to a lot of things has definitely been changing. I feel like I am maturing, although it is admittedly a slow process. Going out and getting wasted doesn't really appeal to me that much anymore. Although a quiet drink with a few mates, or a bit of a boogie once in a while is a lot of fun. I haven't renounced beer altogether. To be perfectly honest, I have a bottle of Beck's sat next to iBee as I'm writing this so I'm not claiming to be above drinking or anything. I just don't really want to get hungover anymore.

I've always seen my life as a process of me gaining knowledge and increasing what I know has always been a day to day motivation for me. I used to direct this towards mastering German. That was my driving force, from the age of 16 it gave me a focus at school and then through university. Now I am studying for a Masters in Germany and I am left feeling like this motivation doesn't really exist for me anymore. I have certainly not mastered the language. I still have a long way to go, I would be the first to admit that, but I have an A* in German at GCSE, an A at A-Level and a 2:1 degree in the subject from Edinburgh Uni. I am a DAAD scholarship holder and I am doing a post-graduate degree in Germany. Mastering the language can no longer be a force to drive me onwards. Where would I go? I need to find something else. At university my interest in German was coupled with philosophy. I have always thought a lot (often too much). Studying philosophy allowed me to indulge in this character trait. Since graduating from the subject I have stopped reading the heavy stuff. I will probably go back to it one day, but for now I am happy to apply what I learnt to everyday life, to my own thoughts, to things that I read and to experiences I encounter in the day to day. In Bamberg I emersed myself in politics, in hating the terrorist American government and the oppressive Israelis. I remain interested in world affairs, although my political focus has since been directed more towards Brussels than Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan. I fell into my current degree. I wanted to return to Germany, studying seemed like a good option, European politics interested me, it seemed to make some kind of sense. Ironically it is the intercultural communication part of the ICEUS course that is stimulating my mind at the moment. I think it will be this that will dictate where my life next takes me. I still have vague hopes of one day being Dr Robinson (just in case there aren't already enough Doctors in the family...), maybe a PhD in anthropology or intercultural communication could be an option. The major decisions in my life always seem to be taken with an attitude of 'well, why not?'. I like to think of myself as a fatalist, a follower of the 'let fate decide' philosophy. If I end up doing a PhD in social sciences, it is likely to be the result of a decision made following this line of thinking. Life's too short to ponder over one's future. We've just got to live it right?

I'm not sure where I'm going with this blog. I'm not sure where I started. Like I said at the beginning; I think it is time to start just being me. All my blog entries up to this point have read like a diary for the masses. I suppose in a way that is what a blog is. But when I write, I find myself describing events rather than my feelings. I feel myself censoring the words that flow from my inner consciousness and I know that I am not writing half of what I should be writing. I have redesigned my blog according to what I like. I can now be proud of it because it is something of my own making. Now I need to tackle my entries. I want them to be a reflection of me, not a description of experiences that anyone could be having. This is my life. I find it insatiably interesting. I can sit and ponder it for hours on end and smile the whole time. I am going to try and do it justice in this blog. Maybe in the process I can make someone else smile too.


playingdrama said...

(ahem!) let me be the one who says it to you lucy-jane..welcome to the club! for whatever that means.. =)
let the love of the universe helps you find your own path..

oh yeah, an excellent new layout i must say! simply the best.. very good effort hun..

ICEUS said...

Ok Lucy...Do you want the truth? I think your blog looked better before, it was at least easier to read it. And now, at least on my computer, i have to go from on edge of the screen to the other, which makes reading slowlier.
I like it more when it is like newspaper columns, you know.
It is my opinion on that.
Anyway it will not stop anyone reading your blog, i guess. At least not me.
Peace out!

Lu said...

The way I see it Firdavs is that the problem is at your end. The real reason I changed my blog was to just annoy all Microsoft users. (Apples to rule the world - - the computer not the fruit.) The trick for optimum viewing of my blog is to stop using Internet Explorer because, in the words of someone sitting a metre away from me, Internet Explorer sucks! According to this wise fountain of all knowledge, Firefox is superior in everyway. As far as I'm concerned, my advice is this: just get a Mac, Safari it and say "bye bye Microsoft" (preferably in an OTT low-budget horror film type of way). Problem solved :P

Anonymous said...

What club Gil? The Apple club? I don't understand...

I think I was going to take on the stance that was taken by Jim Barry, and never growing up like Peter Pan. But that may be a little difficult if everyone leaves me behind, I will no longer have anyone to play with.

Nice update to bloggery....and of course from one mac user to the next, highly reccomend getting a mac as opposed to just downlowding Firefox.

Oh and I am sure a Prof Ott as a bad guy in a B grade horror movie makes on hell of a villain. But I think that a villain Nottdurf style would be scarier.

Lu said...

for those not in the know, OTT is not a reference to our aging, sleep-inducing lecturer, rather an acronym for Over The Top :P

playingdrama said...

Firdavs: i told you once to download firefox, right? :P that'll teach you not to use internet explorer again! hehehe.. no offence IE users.. =D so, wat r ya waitin' 4, matey? go and grab em!

bec: it's a "road less travelled" club, bec.. =)

Anonymous said...

A road less travelled foot! Maturity is for adults. (hehehe)

And because I have not grown my wisdom teeth yet (and I have no sign of their pending arrival either, I am sorry to say...), I am not an adult and I am therefore not eligable to join the road less travelled club.

I prefer the Apple Club. Everyone is welcome in that one...with or without wisdom teeth!

*Having your wisdom teeth pulled qualifies you for both of above mentioned clubs. Applications are being taken.

Peace Out!