Sunday, March 19, 2006

In Mourning

It is a sad sad day. iBee has died. She has been my constant companion since August 2003. She has been with me through my time in Bamberg, including accompanying me on trips to the States, Spain and Sardinia. I am indebted to her for help during my final year at Edinburgh and she has been my connection to Britain, my TV, my stereo, my dictionary, my notebook and my lifeline since being in Fulda. I will truly miss you iBee.
Here is a picture of iBee as I would like her to be remembered - chilling with two iBook friends (and Bec) in Fulda. (iBee is the one in the middle) R.I.P. iBee.

Don't worry too much about me though folks. The period of mourning has been short and sweet. Sadness has now been replaced by excitement and anticipation of iBee's successor (yet to be christened. Name and photo to follow).


ICEUS said...

Och, such sad news!
What happened? Suicide? What are you doing now that iBee is dead? btw before you put it in the Mülleimer: Andreas is eager to bury it for you.
see you on tuesday!

Lu said...

Good to have you back Marie :-) even if it is to comment on my recently deceased computer. Thank Andreas on my behalf for his kind offer. I think I would rather keep her on permanent display in my room though - a kind of acknowledgement of her achievements in life... You can tell Andreas that if he would like to make a plaque for the monument instead of conduct the burial then me and iBee would be eternally grateful! Bis gleich Marie...

Anonymous said...

That's two dead mac's in Fulda. But who is counting the dead PC's...hmmmmmm

Just as I thought....No one.

When is the next Hard Trash day??? We have some counting to do!

Queen of Chaos is mourning the death of a great and best mate, iBee. She told me she is not sure if she will like the new arrival, she is a little upset.

But I think its really a inferiority complex or jealousy, because she is no longer the new, faster and better one.

Anonymous said...

Queen of Chaos is all choked up in mourning....she won't let the DVD out!

Plus the Apple Care number is not working at the moment. Looks like a trip to Frankfurt again!!!!


Peter Mc said...

O moglich...the death of a Mac is never to be underestimated. Still, from the photo it looks like you have quite a good breeding colony there...