Wednesday, November 02, 2005

in the words of John Lennon: "I'm so tired..."

Hello Peeps,

Wie geht's euch? Hope all is good. I actually have nothing of interest to report apart from the fact that I am so exhausted I don't have the energy to do anything but sit in front of my computer, hence the blog. Before people start telling me it's because of all the late nights, I want to inform you all that I went to bed at 8.30pm last night. So there ;-) Emotions are running high in Fulda at the moment, have been since Friday. Emotions concerned aren't mine, but it's having an affect anyway and I think it's a contributing factor to my current somnambulic state (thank ETA Hoffmann and his über weird Sandman story for the vocab.) Plus, uni is tiring me out. It is so difficult having 6hrs of lessons a day, the majority of which are in German. I get back from uni and have no energy to do anything. Good job the only homework we get can be put off until the weekend. Don't get me wrong, am still thoroughly enjoying everything here, I am just SO tired...

On a more exciting note, we had a film crew in our class yesterday. Was actually at a German house party on Monday night (doing my bit for intercultural relations, you know) and so turned up to class in a slightly sore (actually still slightly merry) state (the soreness soon hit though), to find the lesson in full swing, complete with a fairly oversized tv camera, a soundman complete with furry microphone and another guy. Wasn't until 40mins later when they stopped filming that I found out what on earth was going on: Filming for a show that is being aired in exactly 8mins time about the scholarships Hessen has given to people from the hurricane-hit places of the US. We have a girl in our class from Louisiana so it was mainly focused on her, but our lecturer was filmed speaking his dodgy English about European Integration and the camera was pointed straight at me on a few occasions. They will probs have edited this out though, cos despite the fact that I was still fully made-up from night before (oops) and had slick straight hair, therefore looking far cooler than I usually do for class, I was obviously not paying any attention to the lesson in hand, more wondering what on earth had happened to normality.

30 mins later: Just watched the show, and low and behold, they have edited me out! You can just see the back of me walking away from the camera but that's it. Lucky escape that one... Anyway, if you are interested in seeing the report you can watch it online at Unfortunately it's in German, and you will have to fastforward or sit through the first 15mins or so. But you can see a bit of Fulda, our student cafeteria, our class, oh and my back...

Viel Spaß,
love Lu xx

ps - Have added 2 pics to balance out the text for those of you who get scared at the sight of too many words. They're from Monday night. The first to prove I do eat kinda healthy and cos it's rather an amusing photo of Bec's bodiless head and neck and the second from the party, of Bec, Anne and Yu (a fellow ICEUS student).


Anonymous said...

Dear Lucy, please write up some more of your diary - I need someone to keep me company through the next 3 nights!
Need the next party installment....
Oh yes, also would like to read about all the studying that's going on.

playingdrama said...

Boo! haven't created any new posting from last night's party, eh? can't wait to see those pics.. =)

playingdrama said...

btw, i linked your blog to mine. Thanks for allowing.. =b