Sunday, July 29, 2007

Flat Infiltrated: Update

'The little [insert swearword of choice here]' as it had come to be known had upset me enough by our little cupboard tete-a-tete but it really took the biscuit when it once again jumped out on me later that day: I was in the kitchen, minding my own business, when the blighter charged across the room from one corner to the other, once again, making me jump and scream like a lunatic. As if that wasn't enough, the beast went on to keep me awake for most of the night as it banged about in OUR cupboards. I was lying in bed, too scared to go to sleep in case it decided to top our two previous rendezvous and pay a visit to the bedroom...

Understandably, I got up the next morning, wishing I hadn't been kept awake for most of the night by a pesky rodent, determined to put an end to the whole saga. Jumping out on me is bad enough, but robbing me of my sleep is a serious crime. That afternoon I headed to the supermarket to look for a humane mousetrap. Unfortunately all they had were 'traditional' mouse traps. So I bought two and headed back to the flat, feeling almost cold and calculating. Firdavs popped around at just the right moment to give me courage to open the cupboard doors and lay the traps. Gruyere cheese, bought in Geneva, was the bait of choice and it worked a treat. Just 10 minutes after we left the traps to do their stuff we heard a slightly gross bang and opened the door to find our prey caught in the trap. Impressively it had managed to eat both pieces of cheese so I guess it must have had a satisfying end. Ragil returned from work that afternoon to find the pleasant task of disposing of the body awaiting. I was left feeling like a cold-blooded murderer but despite the new, somewhat negative feelings this entailed, I felt an inner calm that had been missing since the beast first showed up...
Ah, but how cruel life is.
That should be the end of the story, but I fear someone, somewhere has been watching the whole episode and laughing, wanting nothing more than to let the drama continue. Or maybe I am just unlucky. Either way, with one mouse down our peace was only briefly restored. Yesterday we were greeted with that pleasant sound of 'mouse in flat'. No sign of the intruder, perhaps it is just the spirit of the deceased returning to haunt us, but this morning, after another sleepless night thanks to our new flatmate, we found a box in the middle of the kitchen floor and some chewed paper. No sightings of the culprit yet and no mouse traps left so we are currently at an empasse.
Let us see how the situation develops.


Anonymous said...

see post on face book, I went a little over the top. I have had this problem, but the noise I hate is the scratching noise it makes when it eats things and does its mousey errands around the house.

Biggest cathc has been I think 6 mice in one night, that included 3 adults and 3 mouse babies. I think I caught an entire family. SO really try to catch this second one, becuase if it is anything like the ones I had, it is most likely female and has babies coming soon......(which are decidedly cute with their big ears and little bodies.) Their squeak when they get whacked is not so sweet.

Lu said...

Geez, Bec, you are a hard woman!!!
No sign of the mouse last night, maybe it decided it could do better than a diet of old paper and has gone elsewhere. Let us hope so.
If it returns, however, I shall be waiting...