Monday, October 02, 2006

Hurray, today is a Bridge Day (lit. trans of Brückentag - see below)

After criticism that I have been slacking on the blog front by making posts that contain no writing, I would like to right any wrongs that I may possibly have committed (although actually as this is my blog, I should really be able to do what I like with it, right?!) by leaving behind some scrawlings.

So, yesterday was the weekend. Usually I would be in low spirits today, it being Monday and all, but as tomorrow is (ba ba baaa) the Day of German Unity, today is known as a Brückentag which means, one day of work in between two days off :) So the fact that it is Monday is by no means getting me down today. Other reasons for merriment are that my weekend was rather pleasant and included some exciting activities such as:

* a night of pool in the local pool hall - me and Ragil vs Chryssa and Paul. Ragil is apparently a bit of a pool shark and we were all mightily impressed by his skills. I was also on fairly decent form, which happens occasionally, but all too rarely for my liking, and I didn't wrongly pot the black once (which is possibly a first). I also correctly potted the black on about 4 occasions (also a first). Ja, so that was fun fun fun and will have to be repeated.
* stumbling upon a mock Oktoberfest in Esperanto, the local hotel cum exhibition centre. We wandered in, uninvited, and found tables and benches (somewhat reminiscent of mine and Ange's Bierfest, but not as cool, obv.) and lots of merry Germans, drinking Oktoberfest beer and eating traditional Bavarian culinary delights. We bought ourselves a couple of Brezels and a Maß of beer (that's 1 litre/2 pints to me and you) and had ourselves a jolly time, singing along with the German MC, who was serenading the crowd with such classics as "Ein Prozit" and "A pizza hut, a pizza hut, kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut..." - No kidding. Lucky for me, my Brownie's education paid off and I was able to join in with both lyrics and dance routine for the latter.
* cooking and eating a delightful Sunday dinner, which included yummy lamb sausages, Ragil's mash potato (famous in these parts), veg, a fabulously stylish Yorkshire Pudding and some lumpy gravy. It was scrum diddly. Next week we are going for a roast. Mmm, mmm.
* discovering a laundrette that is open on a Sunday and does not charge €6 per load. Possibly the most useful achievement of the weekend meaning that we no longer need to sneak into our old Wohnheim (student halls) to borrow the washing machine. Hurray.
* I also watched the Fifth Element, which I loved, and Beauty Shop which was hilarious if you are in the mood for a silly, light, film that requires no thought at all.

Ja, und das war's. Love and hugs to all from a rainy Frankfurt.


Anonymous said...

Just wondered....on the subject of strange songs sung at Oktoberfests and bearing in mind your Brownie education - any chance to slide in your favourite song of all time about the elephant and the mouse?!

Firdavs said...

Hey I also did some Oktoberfest..though i did not manage to sing with everyone in the bar...and i have to play billiards with Ragil someday...I am challenging him!

Anonymous said...

whoooahh! I need to get me a beer glass like that!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bridge day, hey...hmmmm...

Speaking of which, has anyone seen my EU deck of cards???? I lost them.

Lu said...

To Kate: that's what we thought and were very close to stea.. ahem, borrowing one. But we thought as we had only ordered one beer, it would have looked a little too obvious. Next time.
To Firdavs: you are challenging him? What about me huh? For that comment I am determined to play and defeat you. Mwa ha ha! (But I may need to practise a bit more first. How good are you?!)
To Bec: Hmm, I had forgotten about them. I haven't seen them anywhere. Maybe they are hiding in Moltkestrasse...
And finally to Auntie Fred: A pizza hut was enough for me, I didn't want to steal the show, you know. Plus I wasn't wearing a Dirndl so wouldn't have felt right grabbing the microphone from Lederhosened man. Although he was knocking the old Bier back so he probably wouldn't have put up much of a fight...

Anonymous said...

I agree. 'Borrowing' one could have been a problem. I mean you are unlikely to have a pocket or handbag large enough to slip one of those into!

Firdavs said...

Lucy!!! You should buy one of those glasses for me!!! (or steal it:-) I have not found places with this kind of big glasses here in Vienna, except for funny apple shaped glasses...

Firdavs said...

and your photo is so if the glass is swallowing you like anconda...i know my sick way of looking at things :-)