Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Don't count your chickens...

Without wanting to jinx the whole situation, I wish to report some good news. It must have been all the fingers being crossed from everyone (thanks) but today Lady Luck shined down on us and we not only found a flat, but found a landlady who liked us and a reasonably priced, centrally located abode complete with furniture. Hurray! All this only happened a few hours ago so I really hope I'm not counting my chickens here, but YEAHHHHH!!! We're meeting on Saturday to sign the lease and then moving in the weekend after next. It's going to be ace.

On to the other thing. Getting up at 6am everyday sucks beyond belief. Going to bed at 10pm doesn't make it any easier. Getting the train with all the business people is quite fun and means I'm getting a fair bit of reading done and the work itself is fine - just translating and proof-reading - although a bit anti-social and a lot like exploitation. Was expecting more from the company, which has thus far proven itself to be very profit-orientated with staff-satisfaction appearing to be bottom of their list. On my first day I was briefly introduced to all the employees (about 20 sat upstairs) and then taken downstairs where the other interns sit behind their computers, churning out proof-readings and translations if they're English native speakers (that's three of us) or twiddling their thumbs if they're Germans (four of them) as they have no work to do because everyone who works for the company is German so they can do their own proof-reading. Yeah, it's very much a case of hamsters in the wheel, oil in the machine. This naturally gives us interns a great sense of motivation and pride. If they paid us anything close to the minimum wage I think we'd maybe find a little more motivation, as it is, we just feel like their means to a greater profit margin. Still, when there's no work for me to do I get to do my translations for the uni, which is paid work, so in a funny way I feel quite smug. Plus, as we're in our own room, away from all the 'action' (read action as employees, phones that ring more than once a day and coffee machine) it means when the work dries up we can pretty much entertain ourselves on the computers. Still waiting for the guilt feeling to go away when I check and write emails though... Although am pretty confident it won't stick around for long.


Firdavs said...

Aha! got ya! That is how you "work"?! going thru the blogs!
Well actually Liverpool would not be bad either, I mean it is better to support 3rd, then 121.
Btw, are you already seeing through these rankings of IFFHS? :-D

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the ranks of the employed!! Soul destroying n'est-ce pas? Still only another 40 years of it til you can retire! And always remember --- if they don't pay you more to work quicker, then don't. And mantra number two: nobody ever pays enough to expect their workers to panic....

Words of wisdom from the oldest hippy in town...

Anonymous said...

You could enjoy the time passed as you add yourself to my current new obsession, one on my blog and then on the ICEUS too!

You could even build your own!! WOW!

Hey Aunty Fred!! Good to read you!

On the up shoot, I got paid, so the postcard obsession I also have, can now continue!

Anonymous said...

I am guessing that maybe it got a bit busier at the office Lu???

Or am I just impatient?

I have a little problem, I keep mixing up my principals with principles. Do you know how I can remember which one is the correct version to use and when?

From one English user to another?

Lu said...

Thanks for the advice Auntie Fred. Will bear it in mind. Especially like the "don't work fast if you don't get paid on production" thought. Unfortunately I seem incapable of working slowly. It is like my brain can only focus on one thing at once so it works overdrive to get it done so I can tick the box and then I spend the rest of the time looking for things to do...
And Bec, things were pretty hectic for the first week. Getting home at 5.30 then going to new flat to sort stuff out with landlady. Friday was Ragil's birthday and then I got a horrific eye infection on friday night and spent the rest of the weekend in immense pain/completely blind/frustrated/unable to do anything but lie on the bed and listen to stuff/feeling like an invalid. Needless to say, Ragil was the perfect nurse and looked after me. Went to the Augenarzt today and he took my pirateesque eyepatch off and so I have 2 eyes again today - one of them remains swollen and red and sore and slightly defect but things are looking up.
On to your question Bec: PRINCIPLE means rule, or idea, or belief so on principle, etc. PRINCIPAL on the other hand means the most important, the person in charge etc.
Hope that helps!
love Lu

Anonymous said...

Hey Lucy
I got the work fast gene too. Unfortunately though in my job as soon as I have finished one job there about 5 more waiting to be done so I don't get the chance to wonder what to do next.

Hope your eye has gone down now. Otherwise I would have to find you a parrot! Seriously, hope you are feeling better.

Frank is loving the emails.


Anonymous said...

And another thing that I have been wondering about. When you write a message and you have to do the word verification thingy why is there a person in a wheelchair next to it????
Just a though

Lu said...

Even more interesting. Try clicking on the wheelchair. It shouts random numbers at you!!!

Anonymous said...


I doN't know it could do that!!!

I hope your eye is better Lu!