Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Feeling hot hot HOT

Well, surprise surprise, I'm supposed to be working, or rather translating, but, man, it's just too HOT. 26 degrees according to my thermometer. I tell you, what with a winter that saw unmeltable snow cover the ground from November through to March, and my country of residence being Great Britain (apparently whilst the rest of Europe is melting, Edinburgh has temperatures of 17-7 degrees - here the range is 28-18 degrees), well, I'm just not used to this kind of heat. So I'm doing a jolly fine job of using the sun as an excuse to do far less than I should be doing, to buy overpriced exotic fruits like melons and to make the highlight of my day sitting outside, in front of Sven's telly, watching the World Cup (although I am limiting myself to 1 match per day, so as to keep things in proportion.) Another favourite activitiy of mine at the moment is to sit on my balcony and watch my St George's Flag blow about in the wind, and then watch the faces of the bemused Germans walking past... Ah, such fun.
I shall leave you with a picture that oozes summertime: One of several goats that me and Ange encountered on a bikeride in the Hessen countryside. We thought they were rather cute until they came a little too close and we got scared. This photo was taken just before I jumped backwards in surprise, and possibly horror too, at the tameness of the animal.


Anonymous said...

I am sad to say that I am happy that somewhere in the northern hemisphere, it matches the weather down here.

I had forgotten how cold 10° really was until I got here. Brrrr!

Today I had an interview in Melbourne for a job in Melbourne...literally cool.

Watch out for goats they pretend to be your friends. We had one and it tried to attack us, thank goodness he was tied to a spike while he was grazing. After getting fed up with the Goaty antics, someone took him back, and now there is a Donkey in its place.

I much prefer the donkey called Ritzy to the goat, who's name I have forgotten or wiped out from my memory in the trauma of all the attacks. (Oh and he was a big goat).

Anonymous said...

Oh and btw. I am glad you are having fulda fun. And everything there is just fine and dandy!

Enjoy the sunshine Lucy!

Oh yeah, sorry if I disturbed you with the text in class the other day, Australia beating Japan in the WC was history in the making!!!!!! (These were our first ever WC goals!)

Lu said...

Hey, no worries Bec. Was lovely to hear from you and to hear about your country's glory. Am looking forward to them taking on (and hopefully defeating) the mighty Brazil tomorrow. Come on you Aussies!!!

As for goats. I didn't trust them. Now I know I was right in my caution. Thanks!

ps - go girl with the jobness. Fingers crossed...