Thursday, February 02, 2006


Well, as Marie quite rightly pointed out this morning, I have been über slack in the blog department recently.

It is not as if there has been nothing to report, rather that my head is so full at the moment that there is simply no room in it for blog entries.

Classes finished today. Only 2 exams to revise for and sit (Monday and Tuesday) and 21 course descriptions to translate (for financial not altruistic reasons I hasten to add) and then the semester is over. As I formally started my revision today, and began translating yesterday, I am having slight time issues, like THERE ISN'T ENOUGH of the stuff. I am trying to remain motivated, pushing myself, drinking copious amounts of Darjeeling and eating copious amounts of chocolate (for the energy obv) and to get reasonable amounts of sleep so that I am as fresh as possible for the next day of translating and revising.

As you can see. My life is one big party at the moment - the kind of party where no alcohol is allowed, music has to be kept down and general interaction with other people should be kept to a minimum. Sounds like fun, non?!

Not that I am looking for sympathy. I happily accepted the translation job (what can I say, I'm a student considering a career in translation post-2nd graduation...) and it is my own dumb fault for not having started revising earlier.

I still haven't gotten over the feeling that because I am in a foreign country, I am an exchange student, here for the cultural experience rather than to get a degree. This makes motivation rather difficult as I always have the excuse in the back of my mind that it is in a foreign language so it doesn't matter if I don't get amazing results. I reckon at 9am on Tuesday morning this feeling will disappear into a puff of invisible smoke and it will suddenly dawn on me that I am here for real. That I am a Masters student in Intercultural Communication and European Studies and that I really should know something about the subject. The exam could be a rude awakening...

Still, 4 days remain to make myself an expert on the subject. If only I didn't have to translate 3 course descriptions a day at the same time.

Oh well, chin up as they say. At least it is so cold that staying inside remains the more appealing option...


Anonymous said...

Interesting to hear that the fixation on chocolate at times of stress is obviously genetic -and carried on the mitochondrial DNA!

Have you remembered to figure into your revision timetable the extra hours needed to make actual timetable revisions? This, as is well known, can take up most of the available time. Big Kate famously spent most of her alloted time for A-level revision, updating her timetable...How can this take 2 months, a parent could wonder?
Anyway, good luck in your exams and translations. I understand the logic that if it's in a foreign language it doesn't really matter if you don't do stunningly well. After all, how can it possibly be your fault,when the system is so obviously stacked against you??!!!
See you soooon.
Love Auntie Fred xx

Lu said...

Oh yes, I am a master of spending hours creating the perfect revision timetable only to discover a day or two later that it is totally unrealistic and needs revising...

As to chocolate - it seems the natural choice in times of need. I like to vary my choice of chocolate. It has recently ranged from Galaxy, to Dairy Milk, to Lindt, to Ritter Sport, to Milka, to any form of chocolate ice cream. Mmm. That way I never get bored and my chocolate cravings remain as strong as ever. Definitely a good thing. Life would be lacking so much without chocolate...

ps - thanks for the support regarding degree, exams and translation. It's time to start crossing fingers me thinks xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Lucy,I have often thought, for various reasons too many to go into here, that I am not really part of my family. (This is where you hear the age old cry " I'm sure that I must be adopted......" so dear to every teenage heart)Anyway, to get back to the case in point - am I the only person in the whole wide world that DOESN'T like chocolate??? A half eaten bar can languish in my fridge for months. This, I assure you, is not Caca de Toro (wonderful phrase that I learnt from Fairy God-daughter), but the truth.

In every other way, I think that I am normal...
Loads of lovexxx

Anonymous said...

What a non chocolate lover...interesting. That means ther is more for me. Gues what arrived in the mail this morning.....TIM TAMS!!!!!!!!

OH MY...I think I have to lie down... there is just too much excitment for me to contain.....(and you know that means I am very excited at this development.)

Anonymous said...

Pardon my spelling, I think it is getting worse.

Anonymous said...

Bec - speling pardoned (?!)
Also glad to hear that my habit of lying down at frequent - and emotionally draining moments - is being adopted by so many new people....This could be he way forward n'est-ce pas?
Auntie Fred x