Friday, February 03, 2006

Away with the negativity

My last blog entry was so overwhelmingly negative that it needs an almost instant reply. I am not a negative person and I very much dislike dwelling on negativity.

Today I am feeling happy. I made some progress yesterday and had a nice evening in with Ragil as a reward (we watched the film Ray, v good btw, and we've been hooked on Ray Charles' music ever since :-) Today I am plugging away and slowly getting through the mounds of reading and translations.

Anyway, enough about the work, enough progress reports. Here's a photo of me doing a chicken jig at my cousin's 21st Ceilidh, alongside Pops, Matt and Cat.

Happy days to one and all xx


Anonymous said...

I was going to say, could you teach me the funky chicken, but you beat me to the punch and fully aknowledged the wing flapping posture.

Ok I need help with my spelling again, can you guess where?

I am waiting for the sun, Dublin, London, York, not particularly in that order or, associated with one another.....can't wait! Bring on Tuesday, Wednesday..and its finished!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Bec, fully understand your overwhelming desire to experience the good, old British and Irish weather. Could I gently suggest wellies, a raincot and a snorkel...?
Do get Lucy to treat you to a pint of Jennings during your trip!
Auntie Fred x

Anonymous said...

PS Or even a raincoat ( as opposed to a raincot)!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see some "normal" poeple (as opposed to people) who can't spell are still out there!!

Anonymous said...

Bec, who on earth duped you into thinking that auntie fred is 'normal'?!