Sunday, November 06, 2005

oh those Russians... (Boney M stylee)

5 weeks in small town Fulda. It was starting to feel a bit wee. "To Frankfurt I'm going" Bec cried, "What a cracking idea" I soon replied. And so it was, sort of. Yesterday me, Bec and Heidi boarded one of Deutsche Bahn's fleet and headed to the big city. I had grand designs of an über geeky visit: an art gallery and a British bookshop but as is often the case I was sat still for a long enough period of time for thoughts of food to creep into my head (5 mins usually does it). We decided a visit to the aussie pub was in order for some kangaroo or crocodile or whatever it is they eat down under (burgers with beetroot apparently...) Aussie beer, cricket, aussie rum and coke, oh and a big fat lamb burger with mozzarella and pesto (mmm) and we were all feeling rather happy with our lot.

Before we knew it it was 3pm and we had meetings to attend. Bec and Heidi with someone from their uni and me with Vladimir, a russian guy who had put me up the last time I was in Frankfurt. We went our separate ways; me, Vladimir and his girlf on a wee walk around Frankfurt before ending up in a v swanky Pizza Hut and Bec, Heidi and Liani to a rather more classy rooftop cafe. After an hour or so of convo and an invite to a party with a bunch of russians that evening, I said farewell to Vladimir and met up with the aussies. We hit the shops, or rather H&M (find it v rude that Frankfurt seems to have one on every street and Fulda has a grand total of ZERO H&Ms.) Bec needed jeans and tried on pretty much the whole shop but didn't buy any. I didn't need jumpers, but tried on two and bought them both. Energy levels were lagging, it was Red Bull time. We bought said energy drink, and some ham and sat ourselves down on some benches on a big, fat, v busy street in Frankfurt and ate and drank. From there to the U-Bahn to the Südbahnhof to meet Vladimir, to the russian party.

More random an event is kaum vorstellbar (hardly imaginable). We found ourselves in a suburb of Frankfurt, in an apartment with a bunch of random russians, at a party celebrating the birthday of one of the flatmates, who happened to be in Moscow. A birthday party by proxy. I suppose it was slightly less random for me than for Heidi and Bec. At least I had met Vladimir before and bizarrely enough I knew another guy there too - he had randomly picked me and Adelheid up from Frankfurt Airport in March 2004 and allowed us to sleep on his floor for 3hrs before taking us to Frankfurt Hahn Airport for our flights to Barcelona. Hmm, anyway. I find random events highly enjoyable and this party was no exception. We talked about such deep subjects as what comes first, thought or language? (Answers on a postcard please!), drank cocktails and beer and listened to some über camp german music. At 11.15pm we were escorted to the train station by Vladimir, airport guy and another party bloke. We had time for a group shot and promises of a night out in Fulda as well as an all-nighter in Frankfurt and then we boarded the train and headed back to small town Fulda. It was good to get out for a day.


Anonymous said...

Sweet ass day, especially when the Bundy Rum nearly knocked us out in the Aussie bar. But now things have calmed down and now we have to get cracking on really studying. And now we have a real project to get started, on beer culture. So I am off to have a shower and get cracking on writing. I am going to try to have a serious week. We'll see how it goes. Your my heart, you my soul. Nanananannaaanaanana!

Lu said...

I like the way you say "now we have to get cracking on really studying... now we have a real project to get started, on beer culture." Can we really pass this off as studying?! Oh well, either way, it'll be a fun time...